About Us

Des Moines Computer Repair is an employee owned. local business serving the Metro Des Moines, Iowa area (in one form or another) since 1995.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long will it take for my computer to be fixed?

There is no way to tell how long a particular computer will take to fix until we are able to diagnose the problem(s). We may be able to guess at a general time range but we never promise a definite time, since there are too many unknowns and variables beyond our control. Our professional technicians work on systems in the order they are checked in, unless you have paid the extra fee to “Expedite” your system (meaning you go to the head of the line and are the next system on the bench).

Once on the bench, your system receives full attention until it is either completed, or has to be set aside to wait on a part to arrive or feedback from you. You will be contacted as soon as your system is finished or if there are options or questions along the way. There are several companies in town that promise 24-hour service and even offer a guarantee. They don’t have special skills or magic powers, and they don’t deliver 24-hour turnaround any more frequently than we do. Their “guarantee” (IF you call them on it) provides for a $20-off coupon for the "next time" you come in. We'd rather be straight with you than play marketing games.

2. How much will it cost?

While every problem has a different solution (thus a different cost to fix), our most common final bill total is around $150 (including your deposit). Our maximum in-shop labor charge is $300 per computer. If your repair will cost $150 (or less), we will simply fix it and call you when it is finished. If the repair is estimated to exceed $150, we will contact you to discuss costs, options, and potential turn-around time for any parts that might need to be ordered.

Bottom line: We don’t like to surprise anyone, unless it will make you smile. We will try to give you an advance repair-cost estimate on your issue if possible, and you will be notified of any change in cost of labor or parts.

3. Why do I have to pay a nonrefundable deposit when I drop off my computer?

Many times we spend hours diagnosing a problem that could potentially cost more than the value of the computer. Most of our work is up front - identifying the problem. This all happens BEFORE a repair is possible. Once the problem is identified, installing a replacement part or applying the correct fix usually isn’t difficult.  Without a deposit our time spent could easily go to waste, thus costing us numerous resources that would raise our rates overall.

4. If my computer is not worth fixing, do I get my deposit back?

No. The deposit is Non-Refundable, without exception. If your computer turns out to be not repairable (i.e.. not worth the cost of the repair), we will put your deposit towards data recovery, a replacement machine, or setup and optimization of a new PC. We are more interested in building a positive ongoing relationship with you than just getting your money once.

5. Its been a few days and I have not received a call from you. Should I call you?

Only if you need to. It is not in our interest (nor our practice) to keep a system any longer than necessary. We diagnose and repair systems as quickly as possible, in the order they are received. We will notify you as soon as we have a diagnosis or when your system is ready for pickup. If your repair is urgent and you decide to “Expedite” your system (a $75 charge), it will immediately move to the head of the line to get the next open bench space.

6. Why is it taking so long?

We process everyone as quickly and equitably as possible, but it takes manpower and resources to answer phones, check customers in and out, shop for and order parts, as well as actually perform the diagnostic and repair work. Sometimes emergencies come up (we also take care of systems for many retail stores, health clinics, accounting firms, and attorneys offices), or other customers may decide to pay the expedite fee to “go to the head of the line”. Customers with certain types of service agreements (or members of theIowa Computer Club) also get precedence.

Additionally, some of the diagnostic and virus removal scans we use take a considerable amount of time to perform - and the slower the computer (due to age, configuration, or corruption), the longer the scans take. Our goal is to get your system back to you as quickly as possible. We do not compromise on the quality of our work nor the fairness of our pricing, and for most people, waiting for a repair done right is worth it.

7. I’ve called several times but no one answered. Should I leave a message?

YES. Please leave a message if we do not answer.

We take dozens of calls each day, some longer than others.  If we do not answer we are either on the phone, helping a customer in the shop, or closed. We're not hiding from you and even if we were, continuing to call over and over doesn't accomplish anything - please leave us a message.

We strive to answer every call as soon as possible, but we are a small local company with a finite number of employees and we think you’d rather have us call you back than have you talk with someone in India.

8. I’m wondering about the status of my repair. Should I email you?


Please CALL if you need information on your system. We get over 500 emails a day at each of several email addresses and we don’t want you to get lost in the shuffle.

Call (and leave a message if we do not answer - we’ll call you back - we promise).

9. When is payment due?

Payment is due at time of service. If you are with a company that requires invoicing, a W-9, or 30 days to pay, then please make advance arrangements for time-of-service payment or to establish an account with us. We appreciate your business, but your “company payment policy” does not magically trump ours. 

We would like you to pick up your computer within a day or 2 of being notified that it is ready. If that is not going to happen (for whatever reason), please contact us to let us know. Systems that are not claimed within 7 days of notification of completion will incur storage fees of $2 per day (unless other advance arrangements have been made). Systems that are not claimed within 30 days of service completion (without prior arrangement) become the property of Des Moines Computer Repair.


10. What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept cash, personal checks, corporate checks, PayPal, and all major credit/debit cards.


 We take the trust you put in us very seriously.  Thank you for your business!

Des Moines Computer Repair